bison-1.25: description + notes

Bison is the GNU replacement for yacc (yet another compiler compiler) and should be upwardly compatible with input files designed for yacc.

Bison has many extensions and improvements compared to the traditional yacc and its use for software development projects that need to generate programming language grammar parsers is highly recommended.

Many GNU and freeware packages use bison -y (bison with yacc compatibility mode) in their building process, so this package may be handy for this purpose as well.

Older distributions of bison in SGI Freeware were broken in that bison.simple and bison.hairy weren't installed correctly. This is fixed in this version where they both install under /usr/freeware/share (Note that the man page is lying since it has /usr/local/lib hardwired.)

To auto-install this package, go back and click on the respective install icon.